Sunday, May 30, 2010

Blowing off Steam!

     How cool is this picture? As a young boy I dreamed of riding on a steam locomotive. At one point I think I even wanted to be a train when I grew up.  Why? Because I thought it was so cool that all this white smoke came out of the sides and smoke stack. I first fell in love with steam locomotives when my family took a trip to Silverado and Pergatory, Colorado. We got to ride the steam engine from Pergatory to Silverado. As the train came into the station it began to blow smoke. There was a strong wind coming from behind which blew the smoke in front of the train. It was like a cloud had descended around the train and provided this mystery of what was to come. I was amazed by the beauty and awesomeness of the steam. As it so happened we had taken the last train of the day and so to my surprise and great thrill I got to watch the blow down. A blow down is where at the end of the day the train engineer builds up a lot of pressure in the boiler and then releases a valve that blows out the boiler in order to get rid of all the debris that could harm the cylinder head. There is a danger when this happens. If you happen to be walking by when the engineer does this the steam could burn your skin, blind you, cause boils on your skin, make your skin melt...I think you get the point before I say more and have to put a parental guide rating on this blog.
     I was reading in Proverbs today and read, "A fool gives FULL vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back." I would like to think that I am the wise man in this story, but too often I am more like the fool giving full vent. The problem with having a "blow down" is too many people are walking by when it happens and they get burned. However, instead of letting off steam a little at a time in order to forgo the catastrophic event, I tend to blow up and out potentially damaging every relationship around me.
     As Christians we are to show love, joy, gentleness, kindness and peace to others. Recently I blogged about someone who I found irritating and who had done some things that made my "steam" build up. Instead of going to the Lord to ask him to handle the situation I went to several other people and had a "blow down". The problem with that is now people see me as the hot headed fool that brings BIG drama. Instead of handling the situation with kindness and gentleness and being wise, I now look the fool. As a result of my "blow down"s I'm afraid that others may have a negative opinion of this person. I certainly don't want that. In spite of my clashes with this person he has a good heart and a faith that exceeds mine.
     So forgive me. And I ask you - if you ever see me having a "blow down" ask me if I've blown some steam off with the Lord first.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

How Far Can The Eye See?

     When was the last time you took a blanket and went outside, turned out all the lights and lie down on your back and stare up at the stars in the sky? I recently read a book by Francis Chan (Crazy Love) who had a link to a video about the Universe and how large and vast it is. Chan made the statement that God is bigger than the universe. I don't know if Chan was being metaphorical or he was saying that God is HUGE physically, but after watching the video I had to go outside and look up to the stars. Granted, I could only see so far. As matter of fact, the naked eye can only see about 5 planets within our own solar system. The eye can see much much more, but it depends on the brightness, blah, blah, blah. Sorry for more check this quick link.
     As I looked at the stars, knowing some were really other galaxies, I became curious. What's past our galaxy? I know that the Hubble telescope can see past our galaxy, but what's beyond that. Scientists tell us that the our galaxy is always expanding. Yet, they also tell us that some of the stars that we see right now have already burned out. This got me to thinking about my own life.
     I recently turned 38. I still like to say I'm in my mid thirties, but let's be honest, I'm dang close to being in my forties (although a stranger the other day said that I look like I'm in my late 20's - God has a special place in Heaven for her ;). Each morning when I wake I find new aches and pains as the years go on. My body is no longer able to do the things I once could when I was in my late 20's. However, in my heart and mind I feel like instead of the aches and pains I feel new, refreshed, and as if my spirit is like the universe and is ever expanding.
     I am reminded of what Paul said in 2 Corinthians 4. Paul has compared his life to heavy burden that was too heavy to carry. But now, we see in 16-18 that his burden is...well...Paul puts it better than I do so I will let him say it and hopefully bring you some hope for today:
16"So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away (like the stars in the heavens), our inner self is being renewed day by day. 17 For this light momentary affliction (read life) is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, (read the best party and hangout time you couldn't even imagine) we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal."
     Sometime this week take a walk outside late at night and just look up at the stars. Look at the vastness, the stars and galaxies. Knowing that what you see is minuscule compared to the rest of the universe.  Knowing that as the universe is ever expanding, God is renewing and expanding your inner self for that day when we all get to finally see what's beyond the last universe.